Future of Caribbean Money

Future of Caribbean Money

Future of Caribbean Money (FoCMNY) - A collection of exciting, visionary and disruptive people, ideas and businesses who are Reimagining and reshaping How Money Works for Caribbean People and Businesses.

By Silicon Caribe   Online Event Event Ended Virtual Events Event Ended

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The Future of Caribbean Money.

Who Who and What’s ReShaping How Caribbean People and Businesses Make, Manage and Invest their Money.


SiliconCaribe the Caribbean Technology Media and Events Company invites you to The Future of Caribbean Money (FoCMNY) Event.   

Theme:  “Reimagining The Future of Caribbean Money”. 

Event Topics: Blockchain. Cryptocurrency. NTFs. Ecommerce. Payments.

When: Wednesday December 8th - Thursday December 9th,2021

Where: It will be mainly Virtual. We will also be Live from  the Crypto Isle location in Nassau, Bahamas, where we have seats for 50 vaxxed people to attend in person. 

Hashtag:  #FoCMNY


You will:

• Get a comprehensive snapshot of current financial technology trends growing in the Caribbean
Know who is doing what on the ground and in early adopter entrepreneur, creative and crypto communities.
Spot fresh business opportunities in the Caribbean
Sharpen your understanding of Cryptocurrency, Ecommerce and NFTs basics.
Rub digital elbows with entrepreneurs, investors, creators, tech and community leaders, policy makers and more.


Join us !


Online Event


10 Dec 2021 12:00 PM (EST) - 10 Dec 2021 12:30 PM (EST)